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v9.4.0 (2406201800) MONOCEROS What's new!

What's new in MONOCEROS!

9.4.0-24062051800 (June 2024)

  • Night Audit
    • Enhanced Security: Introduced features to compare the system audit date with the computer date, preventing double night audits.
    • Error Messaging: Implemented an error message to notify the user if the Night Audit has already been performed.
    • Automatic Unlock: Added functionality to automatically unlock the audit if it remains locked for fifteen minutes, allowing the user to continue.
  • Channel Manager
    • Integration: Implemented integration with the STAAH Channel Manager.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Events Module
    • Character Limit: Increased the character limit to allow up to 3,000 characters per Note in Event Reservation.
  • Cashiering Module
    • Room Charge Display: Corrected the display of room charge per night and the total amount payable in the Statement of Account Report.
    • Statement of Account: Fixed the issue of old data appearing in newly generated Statements of Account.
    • Execution Time-Out: Created new indexes to resolve execution time-out errors during folio check-out.
  • Reservation and Front Office
    • No Available Rooms: Modified the stored procedure to address the issue of no available rooms.
    • Non-Staying Folio: Fixed "Sequence contains No Element" Error.
  • Reports Module
    • Transaction Summary Report: Optimized the report to fix the failed-to-load issue on the Report.

9.3.0-2404231800 (April 2024)

  • Reservation and Front Office
    • Implemented the UI rearrangement of all fields on the Information tab.
    • Added field for Booking Reference on the Filtering option.
    • Implemented updating for Extra Person in the Guest Information.
  • Report Module
    • Added New Report Format Registration Card.
    • Added New Report Format for Sales Report by Company.
    • Added New Report a Company Production under Marketing and Sales category.
    • Added New Report Format for Sales Report by Market segment with Date.
    • Added New Report Format for Canceled Reservations.
    • Added New Format for Birthday Report.
    • Added New Report for Keycard logs.
    • Market Segment Report modified the Marketing Header to Segment.
    • Added feature for Export to a raw data option in the Report Generator module to generate the report in a delimited data format.
  • Channel Manager
    • Implemented Channel manager logs.
  • Configuration
    • Added system default transaction code for Online Payment.
    • Added configuration for Business Partner Account Ledger code.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Reservation and Front Office
    • Fixed the room number to allow updates and saved changes in the Schedule window
    • Availability count has been adjusted to ensure inventory consistency
    • Corrected rate amounts to be visible in the Reservation and Guest lists window
    • Market segment for parent folios can be applied to dependents
    • Amended Customer field to auto-populate the Guest name in the Information window
    • Resolved the execution timeout bug error in Dependent folios
    • Fixed the room status dashboard to address room count discrepancies between the number displayed on the dashboard and the actual room count
  • Channel Manager
    • Corrected the spelling for any Successful message in the Kloudhotels
    • Fixed the Hotel Code for Channel manager integration
    • Synced dates to allow selection of date ranges accordingly
    • Fixed the Auto Cancel Axis Modification scenario on a case-by-case basis
    • Validated inventory to auto-update with any user activity on Kloudhotels
    • Fixed Room count visibility to display only non-negative integers in the availability window
    • Fixed the email issue on CTRIP bookings to allow NULL values in the parameter for the email address
  • Report Module
    • Adjusted the date picker UI for Sales Report by Market segment
    • Updated the Sales Report by Company to address discrepancies in room nights, room revenue, and total revenue figures for each client
  • Optimization
    • Fixed Credit Card Report with FTL issue
    • Daily Manager Report
    • Daily Hotel Revenue Report
    • Optimized Accounts Management module
  • Cashiering
    • Fixed bug issue on Convert deposit transaction

9.2.1-2307051800 (July 2023)

  • System Configuration and Policy
    • Implemented configuration for required fields.
  • Room Rate Availability
    • Added configuration for days of the week rate configuration for Channel manager requirement.
  • History and Forecast report
    • Added new format for additional column: Rooms Blockings and Occupancy % with Room Blockings.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Keycard Management
    • Guest Lists card issuance displays checked-in guests only.
  • Reservation, Front Office and Report Module
    • Room Type reservations are now deducted from the inventory count, providing a more accurate room availability status.
  • Front Office Module
    • Fix additional field requirements trapping prior checked out.
  • History and Forecast Report
    • The history and forecast report now includes room type counts in the columns for total occupied and arrival rooms, along with their corresponding computations for the other fields.
  • Room rate module
    • Fix Availability Next Page Issue.
  • Accounts Management
    • Optimized the updating and merging of accounts.
  • Membership and Rewards Module
    • Fix Configuration issue.
    • Fix API issue.

9.2.0-2304201800 (April 2023)

Additional Feature

  • Reservation
    • Added Edit Button in Group and Event Parent Folio.
  • Account Ledger additional feature
    • Added Statement of Account generation.
      • Added Generate SOA Icon.
      • Added Print Button for SOA Printing.
      • Added SOA rpt format for Client Account and Individual account.
      • Added show details for the SOA date received and SOA number.
    • Added AR aging report generation
  • Membership rewards feature
    • Added on-request tier for membership reward module.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Extra Person
    • Fix the prompt message that ' Incorrect Card Details'' when no Birthdate was selected.
  • Group Booking
    • Fix Dependent Pax Details UI Discrepancy from Total Pax.
  • Reservation/Front Office
    • Fix room type filtering under Room Calendar, Bed Calendar and Function Calendar.
    • Optimized reservation window.
  • Account Ledger
    • Fix issue on excess payment after applying the unpaid account ledger.
  • Optimization module
    • Cashiering
      • Optimized transaction window on reservation/front office module
      • Optimized transaction window on folio history module
      • Optimized transaction reports
    • Change logs
      • Optimized change logs window upon selecting entity
    • Accounts
      • Optimized client management module
    • Dashboard
      • Optimized the Kloudhotels dashboard to improved loading time
  • Change logs report
    • Fix issue on guest name filtering from the report.
  • Report Generator
    • Fixed previous total pax in the reports data for report pax column.

9.1.0-2301201800 (January 2023)

Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Payment Gateway API
    • Fixed Asiapay payment creation
  • Multiple No Show
    • Fixed Inactive Folio Error
  • Cashier Transaction Report
    • Corrected report header
  • Inventory Management
    • Fixed issue on UI Item Display
  • History & Forecast Report
    • Fixed Room Revenue Column Computation
  • Lockset Integration (Xeeder)
    • Fixed issue on Guest Check-out when Lockset Integration is enabled
    • Added Auto-Revoke upon Check-out under Transaction Window
    • Added Auto-Revoke upon Check-out under Guest List Window
    • Fixed issue on Quick Check-in that it will show the Successfully Saved message and redirect to Guest List Window
  • Reservation and Front Office
    • Fixed forgot password in guest mobile to received email for the reset password verification code
  • Reservation
    • Fixed pax count discrepancy
    • Fixed market segment in Parent folio that will update to its dependents


Additional Feature:

  • Sap Integration
    • Define Client ID and Guest ID

8.2.5-2210201800 (October 2022)

Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Dragonpay API
    • Added OTC payment and fixed payment issues.
  • Multiple Cancellation/No Show
    • Fixed Inactive Folio Error.
  • Hotel Revenue Report
    • Fixed Report Format that will display payment transactions from Online Booking.
  • Email Verification
    • Fixed email service integration that it can send verification code.
  • Reservation Tracking
    • Fixed email service integration that it can send reservation tracking .

8.2.4-2204201800 (April 2022)

Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Payment Gateway API
    • Transfer AsiaPay Configuration to Payment Gateway API.
  • Channel Manager Integration
    • Added configuration for CM Pax Details.
    • Fixed the Double Rate posting amount for Modified Booking.
  • Reservation
    • Fix Room Rate overriding and added Lock feature for Room Rate field to avoid manual editing.
  • API
    • Fix Integration API for Market Segment Transaction routing and added SourceMarketSegment.


Additional Feature:

  • Channel Manager Integration
    • Remove Online Payment posting for Prepaid, Partial & Modified Bookings.
    • Tag Prepaid bookings as Confirmed Folio Status.
    • Add tax percentage in System Integration Config.
    • Additional Configuration for Booking.com Rate Computation and Tax Percentage Field.
  • Reservation
    • Remove Auto-Default Booking Date in the Birthday Field when making a Booking, system default Birthday Value was set to 12/31/1973.
  • Payment Gateway API
    • Added Payment Gateway API in Kloud Hotels API Module.
  • Email Service
    • Added Sendgrid Integration for Kloud Hotels Email Service.
    • Added Sendgrid Configuration and set-up per Hotel.
    • Remove period (.) in Email subject.
  • Integration API
    • Added Email Address Model Value for Guest and Client Detail.

8.2.3-2201201800 (January 2022)

Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Mobile Key Integration- Fix when fetching mobile key Token
  • Reservation - Booking Reference identifier from BE & KH Plus
  • Group Reservation - market segment required field
  • Daily Managers Report - update correction for Add-on Revenue Column
  • Channel Manager Integration: Error when viewing Group Folio under Adjust date ranges for Room Rates & Room Availability


Additional Feature:

  • Channel Manager Integration Window - Added filter & column for OTA
  • New Filter for Booking & Confirmation dates in Reservation List and Guest List

8.2.2-2111201800 (November 2021)

Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Group Reservation
    • Cancellation of Dependent within the Group Folio Window.
    • Copy Remarks to Dependents
  • Sending of Reservation & Confirmation Email Letter.
  • Sales Personnel - Fixed UI.
  • Reservation List Report - Fixed display of room rate for multiple schedule per Folio ID.

8.2.1-2109201800 (September 2021)

Additional Feature:

  • Daily Managers Report additional report.
  • Room Occupancy and Revenue Statistics additional report format.

8.2.0-2105201800 (May 2021)

Additional Feature:

  • Allow Room BLocking additional role privilege that allow to perform room blocking.
  • Allow Cancel of Reservations additional role privilege that allow to cancel reservations.
  • Allow Confirm of Reservations additional role privilege that allow to confirm reservations.
  • Exclude User Device Restriction additional role privilege that exclude users in device management restrictions.
  • Authorized by new field tagging for the person who perform restricted feature like blocking, cancellation and confimation of reservations, and also voiding of transactions.
  • Database Time Zone additional dropdown value for time zone in Hotel Information configuration with default value base in local timezone.
  • Health Declaration Form additional field for folio id for hotel guest with folio.
  • Calendar add day of the week in every calendar's date header.
  • Event's Dependents Schedule revision that allow guest to check in before event's schedule.
  • No Reply Notes addidtional content for auto emailing.
  • Expected Arrival Reports new report format with additional columns and change of arrangement.

Report Enhancement:

  • Recurring Guest change of column name.
  • Void Transactions add column for authorized by who voided the transactions.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Reservation Details should not reflect negative value for pax with breakfast after modification.
  • Item Repair should display full remarks and the list should reflect only based on the status selected.
  • Room Calendar fix on reflecting specific room no.
  • Reservation Source Report should display dynamic report summary based on configured resources.
  • Registration Card breakfast count from guest schedule should be reflected .

8.1.0-2104201800 (April 2021)

Additional Feature:

  • Group Reservation Email and Letter additional module under Group Reservation.
  • Room, Bed and Function Calendar add folio status under details if room is reserved.
  • Transaction Window new column in transactions list for who inserted the transaction.
  • Sales Personnel new field for email address.
  • N/A Citizenship additional dropdown value.
  • HotelLogo additional system config for health declaration form's header logo .
  • Reservation Letter & Email change closing signature into sales personnel with additional details.
  • Confirmation Letter & Email change closing signature into sales personnel with additional details.
  • Group Confirmation Email remove booking type.
  • Group Reservation Letter new pdf format with recurring charges.
  • Sales Report by Market Segment new report inside report generator.

Report Enhancement:

  • Room Occupancy Trend exclude for checkout guests count.
  • History & Forecast change computation based on total total room revenue and occupied rooms.
  • Housekeeping Room Assignment order by room number.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Direct Transaction Posting - only the last 4 digit credit card number is needed to be input upon insertion of credit card payment.
  • System Roles - remove newly created fields in adding another role.
  • Reservations List Report - display accurate room no., rate code and amount.
  • Sales Production Report - display accurate roo no.
  • Rooming List Report - display pax with breakfast count for future booking.
  • Recurring Guest Report - exclude parent individual in number of visits count.

8.0.1-2103201800 (March 2021)

Additional Feature:

  • Reservation Email and Letter additional module under Reservation.
  • EnableReservationLetter , ReservationLetterTermsConditions and EnableReservationLetterAttachment additional system configs for reservation letter module.
  • EnableConfirmationLetterAttachment additional system config for confirmation email with attachment.
  • Reservation Letter new generated pdf for dependent and individual folio.
  • Confirmation Letter new pdf format with recurring charges.
  • Group Confirmation Letter new pdf format with recurring charges.

Report Enhancement:

  • Confirmation Email enhance email content and add attachment based on config.
  • Group Confirmation Email enhance email content and add attachment based on config.

8.0.0-2102201800 (February 2021)

Additional Feature:

  • AxisRooms Channel Manager additional module under Integration.
  • AxisRoomsConnected , AxisRoomsSyncDays and AxisRoomsHotelCode additional system configs for axisrooms.
  • RoomUpgradeAuthorization additional system config for additional security in performing room upgrade.
  • Allow Room Upgrade additional system role privilege for allowing specific role to perform room upgrade.
  • CheckOutEmailIntroContent and CheckOutEmailIntroContent additional system configs for dynamic checkout email content.
  • Reservation Details identifier of last editted by for individual, dependent and non-staying folio.

Report Enhancement:

  • Room Discrepancy Report
  • Inventory Transaction Report column arrangement.
  • Function List Report change column name.
  • Health Declaration Report change column name and legend.
  • Inhouse Guest List Report add summary for sub and grand total.
  • Room Upgrade Report add approver.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Transactions Report - display exact sub account code of a transaction.
  • Engineering Job (Item Repair) - able to succssfully request for replacement.
  • Folio Request - able to send guest checkout email after approving checkout folio request.

INDUS Release Notes
7.1.1-2012201800 (December 2020)

Additional Feature:

  • Report Generator filter icon.

Report Enhancement:

  • Checked Out Guest Transaction Report revise report format.
  • Housekeeping Summary change to Housekepping Job Summary.
  • Housekeeping Reports change ellapsed time column/field to time duration.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Room Rate Availabilty - display room type with rate for room rate with set future availability.
  • Room Status Dashboard - reflect accurate room counts.

7.1.0-2010201800 (October 2020)

Additional Feature:

  • Sales Module lead, lead details, lead activities, and lead verification.
  • Sales Modules Activity config.
  • Client Management contact person with signatory.
  • Health Declaration Module.
  • EnableHealthTracker system config that control access of health tracker.
  • Health Tracker Report new report.
  • Group Contract Report new report for group reservation.

Report Enhancement:

  • Guest List Per City add filter that include guest without city


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Transaction Routing - fixed on error for folio with thousands of transactions especially group folio.

7.0.1-2003201800 (March 2020)

Additional Feature:

  • Sales Module configs.
  • Rate Code revision that classify for integration rates.
  • Contact Person configuration for client under Accounts.
  • Client Management additional tab for client contacts.
  • Transaction Process with breakdown and billing instruction.
  • Query Optimization for room calendar and saving of reservation.
  • Room Revenue new format with summary per market segment.
  • History and Forecast new format base on net revenue.

Report Enhancement:

  • Room Occupancy and Revenue Statistics add subtitle
  • Transaction Summary form enhancement.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Room Revenue Rate Breakdown - fixed on Transaction Process feature.

7.0.0-2002201800 (February 2020)

Additional Feature:

  • Room Type Availability submodule under Reservation / Frontdesk Room Availability.
  • Payment Transaction Voiding Process revision that will solved the problem of amount discrepancy in every cashier shift.
  • Reservation Guest Info ui enhancement.
  • Close Shift Report new format that includes voiding amount summary and its shift source.
  • Cashier Shift Report new format that includes voiding amount summary and its shift source.

Report Enhancement:

  • Manager Flash Report
  • Close Shift Report includes all voided transaction.
  • Cashier Transaction Report includes all voided transaction.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Transfer Balance Voiding - add trapping for not able to void transaction from inactive folio source.
  • Removing Extra Person - retain trapping for not able to delete saved extraperson.
  • Voided Payments - reflect voided amount in cashier terminal.

HERCULES Release Notes
6.10.2-2001201800 (January 2020)

Additional Feature:

  • API end points for guest / account id revision.

Report Enhancement:

  • Banquet Event Order
  • Function Contract
  • Label Consistency for selected reports.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Session Log in for exceeding concurrent users limit.
  • Cleared Session for accessing unapproved property.
  • Guest management - deleting guest without account id.
  • Room Requirements - include room availability with expected checkout guest.

6.10.1-1912201800 (December 2019)

Additional Feature:

  • Mobile Access Key request for mobile user.
  • Night Audit Integration Requirements configuration.
  • EnableNightAuditIntegrationRequirements system config for validating unprocessed integrations audit requirements.
  • DisplayHousekeepingJobGuestName system config for displaying guest name for occupied rooms in housekeeping job.
  • Guest Account Image in guest configuration and reservation details.
  • Inventory Module ui revision.
  • Pagination and search bar in Item Management.
  • Adding schedule/s with different charging type trapping.

Report Enhancement:

  • Rate Variance - exclude check out date and retain updated room rate for back date report data
  • Flight Details - remove roomtype and add company and pax column


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Report Generator page for specific users.
  • Room Requirement for Event and Group Reservation.

6.10.0-1912051800 (December 2019)

Additional Feature:

  • License Tiering for module restriction.
  • EnableUserDeviceManagement system config
  • Device Access Control for users.
  • Religion Configuration under account.
  • Housekeeping request notification for web and moonshade.
  • Housekeeping job creation in Iphone/IPad devices.
  • Religion selection as part of the guest and client information.
  • ID Status field in folio request.
  • Suggest vacant inspected room upon approving request check-in.
  • Religion Report - per night and per arrival.


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Group folio's projected arrival and departure date from dependents.
  • Interchange column of Debit and Credit based on Accounting Standards.

6.9.0-1911051800 (November 2019)

Additional Feature:

  • Reflect deposit transactions in cashier terminal.
  • Room Discrepancy housekepping job that asks for its actual status
  • Checkout validation for folio with active assigned billing instructions
  • Deposit amount in Folio Ledger
  • Required open Cashier Terminal during converting of deposit
  • Deposit Report Summary and Room Discrepancy in report generator
  • Remarks upon rejecting folio request
  • Document Image remarks
  • Editing of schedules that will retain the values if date range is in between the schedule dates

Report Enhancement:

  • Change Logs - add filter for folio id or guest name
  • Close Shift and Cashier Transaction - add deposit amount summary and reflect deposit instead of converted
  • Transaction, Transaction Register and Transaction Summary - reflect deposit instead of converted


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Zero Posting of Room Charge - transact zero amount room charge during night audit for weekly or montly charging.
  • Editing of Transaction Codes Policy - trapping for duplicate entry
  • Group Name - reflect changes from parent to dependents or extra persons
  • Function Revenue - fixed data issue

6.8.0-1910051800 (October 2019)

Additional Feature:

  • Hotel Image Category config
  • Push Notification for mobile
  • Reverse Transaction Remarks
  • Show Function List Only system config
  • Slip Printing include all payments transaction in acknowledgement/deposit slip
  • Event Reservation Package sort by meal period
  • Sales Report By Company
  • Occupancy Summary Per Room
  • Banquet Event Oorder report format
  • Function Contract report format

Report Enhancement:

  • Flight Details - format date
  • Consolidated Guest List - format date
  • BEO and Function Contract - sort by meal period

6.7.0-1909051800 (September 2019)

Additional Feature:

  • Push Notification for mobile users
  • System Config [EnableZeroPostingTransaction] for allowing zero amount transaction posting
  • Editing of Transaction Remarks
  • Citizenship Required in adding of extra person
  • City Ledger Payments report
  • SOA with summary report format

Report Enhancement:

  • Nationality Report - add gender
  • Sales Production Report - redesign format
  • Reservation List Report - add column and date filter
  • History and Forecast and Revenue Statistics - actual revenue for history
  • Recurring Guest Report - sort by number of visits


Fixed some issues of the following:

  • Housekeeping - UI fix
  • Calendar - error with single digit room number
  • Room Transfer - error with same room, room type and rate type

6.6.0-1908051800 (August 2019)

Additional Feature:

  • Web Push Notification
  • ID Verification for mobile users
  • Roomtype filter in Room, Beds and Function Calendar
  • Statement of Account attachment in Confirmation Email
  • Folio Ledger Report in folio ledger page
  • Journal Entry for 3rd Party Back Office outside report generator

Report Enhancement:

  • Cashier Shift Report - can be generated per shift. Remove in report generator
  • Transaction Register - can be generated per shift. Remove in report generator


Fixed some issues of the following reports:

  • Market Segment - roomnights.
  • Sales Report by Market Segment - roomnights.

6.5.0-1907051800 (July 2019)

We added Yesterday Occupancy in Status Dashboard.

We added High Balance Letter for the folio who exceeds its threshold limit..

We added History and Forecast in report generator.

We added Sales Report by Market Segment.

Addidtional report format for Group Confirmation Letter.

Additional report format for Transaction Register.

Report Enhancement:

  • Nationality Report
  • Guest Inventoory Report
  • Room Occupancy and Revenue Statistics


Fixed in Direct Transaction Posting where in payment amount based on selected charge will not load.

Fixed in Room Transfer of charged schedule during noght audit.

Fixed some minor issues of the following reports:

  • SOA - room charge amount if does not include room breakdown.
  • Hotel Revenue - tax and service charge amount.
  • Market Segment and Room Revenue - routed transaction should based its original market segment.
  • Function List Report - live out pax amount should include in package cost amount.
  • Cashier Transaction Report - date craeted should be based on hotel's audit date.

6.4.0-1906051800 (June 2019)

We added tagging for breakfast in creation of reservation as well as in adding of schedules.

We added filters (Room No, Floor, Room Type, Occupancy Status, Cleaning Status) in Room Availability.

We added config for Hotel Privacy.

Additional Report Format:

  • Banquet Event Order - adding meal and engineering amount.
  • Function Contract - adding meal and engineering requirements with amount.
  • Expected Arrival Report - sorted by room no.
  • Expected Departure Report - sorted by room no.
  • Guest Ledger Report - sorted by room no.

Report Enhancement:

  • Room Transfer Report
  • Cancelled Reservation Report
  • Room Upgrade Report
  • Rooming List Report
  • Room Revenue and Statistic Report
  • Manager Flash Report
  • Acknowledgement, Refund and Deposit Slip


Fixed in saving of guest name both in Creation of Reservation and Guest Management where in name should be based on inputted data (letter case).

Fixed in Folio Ledger where in it only display first 15 folio data.

Fixed in Housekeeping Request in displaying the full text of hk request detail's remarks (open detail info).

Fixed some minor issues of the following reports:

  • Parent remarks in Group/Event Confirmation Letter
  • Excel generated Transaction Register with Inclusions Report

6.3.0-1905021800 (May 2019)

We added config for Service Charge Computation.

We added Summary Report in Room Occupancy.

We added Rate Variance Report in report generator.

We added new format for Transaction Register Report with total breakdown inclusions.

We added additional Titles/Salutations for guest.

Retaining of value after saving in Route Transactions.


Fixed in transaction with Billing Instruction set to amount during night audit.

Fixed in retrieving guest's Routed Transactions where in it includes the data from other hotel with the source folio.

Fixed in Folio History for dependent where in it will not display the departure date (Date To) if its parent is still active.

Fixed in Housekeeping Jobs if verification is disabled.

Fixed some minor issues of the following reports:

  • Duplicate display of events folio in Inhouse Report
  • Data ordering in Expected/Actual Guest Departure

6.2.1-1904051800 (April 2019)

We include live in/out pax count in Resto Ordering.

We added additional tagging in Configure Night Audit Reports where in you can choose the report date after night auditing whether the previous or the current date.

We deducted the Roomtype reservations in Roomtype Availability count during group and event reservation.


Fixed the decimal issues of the following:

  • Cash Terminal
  • Balance Transfer
  • Housekeeping Charges
  • Item Management

Fixed event reports pax count data of the following:

  • Banquet Sales Report
  • Banquet Event Order
  • Amendment Form

6.2.0-1903201800 (March 2019)

We added new report formats for In-House Guest List with Rate Report.

We added a breakdown transaction in Adjustment to tally the revenue.


Fixed the following issues in Cashier Terminal:

  • Cannot reflect Refund and Cheque amount
  • Deduct Reverse and Adjustment Transaction

Fixed data issue in the following reports:

  • Guest Birthday and Guest Report By City
  • Transaction Summary Report
  • Transaction Register Report
  • Room Revenue Report
  • Room Occupancy and Revenue Statistics Report
  • Cashier Transaction Report
  • Closing Shift Report
  • Guest Ledger Report
  • Closing Shift Report
  • Guest Billing Report
  • Room Availability Report
  • Room Type Availability Report
  • Expected/Actual Guests Departure Report
  • Confirmation Letter

Fixed an issue in the Floor Plan where in an image cannot be uploaded.

6.1.0-1902201800 (February 2019)

We added a new configuration for VIP Level and Inclusions.

We updated the back-end technologies to adapt to modern standards.

Balance Transfer Transaction is now not allowed for reversals and adjustments.

Room Occupancy and Revenue Statistics report can now be generated by date range.


Fixed data issue in Room Occupancy and Revenue Statistics report.

6.0.0-1901301800 (January 2019)

We added more details for PAX field in Event Reservation. You can now specify the number of Live-In and Live-Out pax of the event.

We added a new report (Client Master List).

Guest and Client accounts with birthdays on current Audit Date will have a 🎂 beside their name.

We added new report formats for Flight Details Report and In-House Guest List Report.

We added a consolidated In-House, Expected Arrivals and Expected Departures Report.


Fixed an issue wherein Kloud Hotels fails to generate a Guest Registration Card.

GEMINI Release Notes
5.6.4-1901231500 (January 2019)

Updated AngularJS version from 1.6.0 to 1.6.7 to match the version used by AngularJS Material.

5.6.3-1901101100 (January 2019)

Added Non-Staying Guest Report in Report Generator.


Fixed incorrect label on approval or reject of group / event amendment.


Updated AngularJS version from 1.5.9 to 1.6.0

5.6.0-1812190600 (December 2018)

Added Sales Personnel configuration and tagging per guest folio.

You can now transfer negative balance with Balance Transfer module.

Hotel Images and Room Type images are now stored using Firebase Storage for faster loading of images.

You can now set extra persons as Adult, Child or Infant.

We added a new system privilege that would prevent routing of transactions to Tentative guest folio.

We added a new system privilege that would require authorized login on approval or reject of Group / Event Amendments.

5.5.6-1811281740 (November 2018)

We added a new config (ConfirmationLetterTermsConditions) to customize the Terms and Conditions portion of the confirmation letter format.

We added an option to resend the confirmation email sent to the guest upon confirmation if the reservation.


Minor issues with report data.

5.4.0-1810240600 (October 2018)

We added a new config (TurnOffConfigActiveDataProtection) that will turn off the data protection for editting of configuration modules.

Added From Date and To Date in viewing of Charging Schedule.

Added the ability for users to edit non Group or Event room blocking.


Fixed a UI defect when adding Extra Person which is tagged as either VIP, SKIPPER or BLACKLISTED.

Fixed an issue with saving / deleting of guest and client privileges.

Fixed an issue where in Transaction Window shows an incorrect computation if selected folio has folio privilege for a selected transaction.

Fixed an issue with updating of folio details when AllowClientOnReserve is turned off.